

YELLOW M°Aster ~ Adventure 2024


Our unique body system can bridge the gap between desire and in life. How does this work? The body serves as a vehicle. The soul “travels” in it and experiences life. However, the soul is timelessly rooted in the universe and can be reminded of the light impulses of pure consciousness and actively dock on. DNA acts as a receiver, transmitter and keeper of time and memory.

To manifest this as your lifetime expedition of the YELLOW M°Aster requires your detailed soul mapping of your cosmic script to encourage all as ONE ~ an inner 180° TURN FROM your EGO CASE that we have dwelled in for far too long.

The YELLOW ADVENTURE is about the memory and technology of the soul, its memory of the light core, the “spirit spark atom” of all that is in this universe.

This UNIQUE CORE is resonant and a very precise GPS instance for our guidance and “being guided” in life.

These intensive 16 days are not a ONE-FITS-ALL adventure.

We will work intensely in TWO exclusive OCTAGONS of “daring doers” and come together every fourth day.

You can participate in this M°ASTER ADVENTURE Mentoring Program with your

complete birth data
Dimensions of impact
Self-mastery in your field
SIGMA state of character.

Entry into a private group of

8 + 8 = 16 🚻⚧

The capacity is a Limited Edition 2024.

Starting on 6.6.2024 until 21.6. HIGH FREQUENCY YELLOW + 3 additional one-time sessions for each participant.

Send your email to:

⚜ danielle@solistics.de

16 vorrätig


Dare to bridge the gap as unified field of consciousness!
Beginning on June 6th  ~
16 days in an elusive double OCTAGON (2 x 8 = 16)
Inspiring constellations,
mental workouts,
follow-throughs &
impactful response-ability
magic & scriptwriting with the Language of the Universe
and it’s subtle realms.
Intense 4 x 4 DAYs  tuning into y-our sun rise of essential deepness.
Free y-our SELF from the
Unique passage ~ 180° ROTATION OUT into the CORE EXPRESSION of y-our true power-source of love and flow.
Be the Central Sun you are designed to be.


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